Denmark's national team for the Nordic Championships 2022 has been announced. The riders and horses are: GaedingakeppniGDTAmanda Frandsen - Tinna frá LitlalandiSofia Nielsen - Friður frá HalakotiSophia Lassen - Vörður frá VindásiKathrine Eskesen - Fjandi von HeidmoorGDYAskja Isabel Guðmundsdottir - …
Norway’s National Team for the Nordic Championships 2022
Norway's national team for the Nordic Championships 2022 has been announced. The riders and horses are: Junior, sport Elisa Lund Iskov – Ardur fra Miklholti Julie Thorsbye Andersen – Dropi fra Tungu (reserve: Garpur fra Kjarri) Maiken Berild vold – Breki fra Midtsju Junior, gædingakeppni Ymir …
The official NC2022 SHOP is now open
Get your official NC2022 merchandise from our online store, open for a limited time only! This is the only place to purhace these unique pieces as there won't be a possibility to buy merchandise at the event. Order by the 24th of July the latest to ensure you receive your items before the …